강한 소호기업 만세

작지만 강한 소호기업들이 큰 성공을 이룰수 있는 보금자리

취미생활/다른나라 이야기

1인기업,1인사무실 이렇게 하면 어떨까? 소호허브도 이리 바꿔볼까? ㅋㅋㅋ

SOHO허브 소호사무실 용인비상주사무실 2009. 5. 23. 11:13

1인기업이 뜬다고? 그렇다면 1인사무실정도는 기본이쥐~ ㅋㅋ OfficePOD










































































흠~ 1인기업이라~


요즘 젊은이들에게 도전할만한 일이죠~




이런 분들을 위한 멋진 사무실디자인 같군요~ ㅋㅋㅋ


집앞 마당만 있다면야~ ㅋㅋㅋ


The OfficePOD is 2.1m x 2.1m space to create a self contained office that exceeds all standard office accommodation regulations & requirements. Its modular design enables speedy construction, even in gardens with the most difficult access. The POD has been designed to provide appropriate security when empty or occupied. Power is provided via a discrete and protected connection to the house or garage; IT and phone connectivity is generally wireless but can be similarly cabled. The POD is provided with a secure locking system of the highest quality.

"The OfficePOD cares for the environment also, thanks to its low energy consumption level, high levels of insulation and innovative cooling system. Recycled and recyclable products have been used wherever possible. The OfficePOD is being claimed to deliver savings of at least £9,000 per employee per year and reduce CO2 emissions per employee by between 46 percent and 67 percent.In nutshell, the OfficePOD is an office away from office designed to change the way people work. "